Team leader - Feke Gábor



Medals and cups The team during the introduction speech Feke Gábor vs. Fedor Ferenc
Feke Gábor next to the awards Máté Réka, Matyi Tímea, Štriho Tibor Liska Otília, Kiss Miklós, Tóth Gábor(EU bajnok) és Paholics Máté
Kiss Miklós vs. Paholics Máté Some practice with the European champion!:D Binó Péter
Henczel Dávid Liska Otília Liska Anita
Kiss Lóránt Henczel István Máté Réka
Ötvös Tamás - serving Feke Gábor is explaining the rules Tóth Gábor speaks about the ball, and inviting the game
The ball on Tóth Gábor's foot The ball on Tóth Gábor's nose :D The ball on Tóth Gábor's foot
Máté Réka - serving Feke Gábor vs. Kiss Lóránt Cup-final: Liska Anita
Cup-final: Binó Péter Cup-final: Feke Gábor - adogatás Cup-final: Feke Gábor vs. Binó Péter
Women winners: Liska Anita, Máté Réka, Liska Otília Men winners: Feke Gábor, Binó Péter, Kiss Miklós Our winners!!!!

Here you can see our woman winner Máté Réka's serving!!!!

Here you can see the European Champion Tóth Gábor's snake kick!!!

Here you can see our team leader Feke Gábor's snake kick!!!


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