The I.Kárpát-medencei cup was organized in Újszász.This competition took 2 days. Hungary, Serbia and Montenegro and Slovakia were competed for prizes. The best group was Hungary A. We were  very satisfied and we got a lot of experiences and happines. The next competitions will be in july: The II. European Cup and The X.Hungarian Open. For the meantime we are going to train as hard as we can...


Szerbia and Montenegro-introduction Máté Réka, Juhász Rita Szerbia and Montenegro's women team
Ötvös Tamás, Máté Réka, Juhász Rita Szerbia and Mondtenegro's men team Ötvös Tamás, Binó Péter,Gerenyi Szabolcs
Újszász vs. Serbia and Montenegro Juhász Rita, Tóth Csaba - bírók Feke Gábor giving ideas for our women team
Feke Gábor, Máté Réka - mixed pair The team of the Shuttlecock Section of Királyhelmec The Hungarian junior team
The Hungarian junior team - men and women The team of Szerbia and Montenegro  

STAVIVÁ spol. s.r.o.

Kirlyálhelmec local government

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